Thursday, November 13th, 2008
I stopped by Dan’s home this afternoon just to catch up with him and see directly how he was doing after chemo and 4 days of radiation treatment. I have long looked at the world throught he 4-square view - physical, mental, social and spiritual (see Luke 2:52 a description of Jesus’ growth to manhood). So, I will give you my 4-square perspective of Dan.
Physically, he looked great - no outward evidence of the war that is raging inside his body. He is tiring early as his body is drained recuperating from the treatments. Dan described the radiation sessions as very short (2-3 minutes), but the dosage rates very high. He continues to exercise each day with the discipline that he has always had and that I respect so greatly.
Mentally, he is sharp as a tack. We spent a good bit of time going over a business document and he asks the same piercing questions that I have come to know him for.
Socially, he enjoys conversation and is getting out to church and some lunch engagements. He had lunch and a tour of the new ORNL yesterday with my brother. The old engineering building has been replaced with a new facility and the old parking lot has another building on it - both devoted to environmental work.
Spiritually, he is like a rock. With each bolt of radiation he says a prayer - even the ceiling tile alignment lasers make a cross! He is facing this challenge with a foundation that is secure and a great source of strength.
It was a good visit and I am encouraged by his demeanor and spirit. Please pray that nausea and fatigue would not overcome him. Blessings to you.
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Monday, November 10th, 2008
In my dad’s battle against cancer, Psalm 103 has spoken profoundly to his heart and faith. Because of this, I have composed the following song from the passage of Psalm 103:1-5.
- Rob Kuban
(if you are having trouble playing the song you can right click the link and select “save link” to play it locally on your computer)
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Sunday, November 9th, 2008
Dan will begin chemotherapy and radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer tomorrow (Monday, Nov. 10) at UT Medical Center. If I understand correctly, they will be outpatient treatments so he will be coming home each day. He begins with “chemo school” Monday morning. We were kind of kidding about what do you have to learn in “chemo school”? The regimen ahead will be physically tough on Dan. It will be chemo and radiation on Monday and then radiation Tuesday through Friday. He will keep this up for 4-6 weeks depending on how his body responds. One common side effect is loss of taste that can affect the desire to eat. Please pray that Dan retains his taste and appetite.
Friday, we went to visit Protomet and Jeff Bohannon. Dan has mentored Jeff for many years in his business of machining specialty parts. The company makes parts for autos, boats, radiation detectors, etc in a spotless and highly automated facility in Oak Ridge. I could see how much both Dan and Jeff cared for each other - one the mentor sharing keys about success and the other the willing student learning and applying.
Dan came to the UT-Wyoming football game (if you could call it that). With the coach (Fulmer) being asked to resign this week, one didn’t know what to expect from the team. What we got was a spiritless performance and one of the most embarrassing losses in UT history, hey, but its only a game. There was one great highlight though - halftime. The Pride of the Southland (UTs Marching Band) brought back the alums and added the Tennessee Bagpipes and Drum Corp - over 500 instruments were on the field and the end of the show was the massed band playing Amazing Grace. It was spine-tingling good and we both stood and sang along. Except for the disappointment of the game, we had a fine guys time just enjoying the pleasures of an East Tennessee fall Saturday.
Today in church, we sang a worship song by Matt & Beth Redman called You Never Let Go. Dan was on my mind with every word. The chorus words are:
Oh no, You never let go through the calm and through the storm. Oh no, You never let go in every high and every low. Oh no, You never let go, Lord You never let go of me.
As I consider the fight Dan has ahead and the faith and courage he is facing it with, I am totally humbled to walk through this with him. Dan has been so successful in life and yet he has remain so humble and gracious, it should be no surprise to me that in facing this difficulty there is no anger or bitterness, just a faith that he is in His hands.
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Friday, November 7th, 2008
Hola! It’s Danito again. I have been compelled to share with you another lesson that God has taught me. His grace & love have been truly amazing, especially as He has been so patient with me as I learn from Him. As you know the Spirit of God has really been using the Scripture to uphold me, inspire me & comfort me - a true refuge. (Many of you have shared verses with me that have been special to you & assure you that I have diligently prayed over every one - thank you.) I have been meditating on some verses for days, and sometimes it takes me that long to “get it”. Today’s lesson is Ps 118:17 “I shall not die, but live, and tell of the works of the Lord.” I’ve been praying thru that truth, but with a future context. That one day he would heal me of this cancer & then I would declare that “work of the Lord” to any who would listen. Well, as I was pondering this with the Spirit, He spoke very clearly “Hey, you’re alive today!” Woa! He is so right. I am alive today - God’s gift of another day to be alive - what am I waiting for? So I have resolved in my heart, that every single day that I am alive I will tell of the works of the Lord. Ps 40:5 says “…they are too numerous to count.” I pray for His grace to honor the Lord my God in this way, and I ask you to pray for me to be faithful to this commitment.
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Tuesday, November 4th, 2008
Dan spent the morning with his doctors at UT Medical Center and the results from his third set of biopsies conclusively reveal cancer of the pancreas. While a second opinion from Johns Hopkins will be provided by the end of the week, the doctors here are definitive about their findings this time.
Dan received final preparations for chemotherapy that will begin on Monday. For the next several weeks (4-6) beginning Nov 10, he will undergo chemotherapy on Mondays and radiation treatment daily Monday through Friday. This will be a physically difficult regimen, but Dan is a tough guy and continues to amaze me with his steady courage and faith.
Would you please redouble your prayers for Dan’s health and strength. He continues to covet and need your prayers.
Psalm 56 was opened to me this morning and I share the following from the Message (Psalm 56:12) about David’s struggle with the Philistines: God, you did everything you promised, and I am thanking you with all my heart. You pulled me from the brink of death, my feet from the cliff-edge of doom. Now I stroll at leisure with God in the sunlit fields of life.
Whatever this day brings with elections and concerns, remember, God is sovereign yesterday, today and tomorrow to eternity.
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Thursday, October 30th, 2008
Dan came out to my home today to enjoy the fresh air and watch as a directional drilling team replaced the main water line to the house! No matter what, Dan is still an inquisitive engineer and when I called to tell him of this amazing gadget, he came on out. These guys bored a hole 200 feet about 3 feet underground and missed their target by only 1 foot! Amidst the physical challenges that Dan is facing, it was a cherished time just to think about the progress of technology and how it is affecting everything these days.
Dan had a third set of biopsies on Tuesday. He was on the operating table about 4 hours with the “interventional radiologist” amazed that the operating room remained available for so long. Dan remembers 5 samples being taken, but Jan said it was many more than that. The desire is to obtain a clear diagnosis of the nature of what is in and around Dan’s pancrease. He rested most of Wednesday, but today (Thursday) he drove out to the house by himself and seemed to be on the mend from the recent diagnostics.
What’s next? If cancer is confirmed, ports for chemotherapy have been attached to Dan and that would be the course. If this set of biopsies do not conclusively reveal cancer, then there are two possible paths - do nothing and monitor or have surgery and try to remove the fiberous growth that is causing stomach and back pain. Right now, its just one faithful day at a time for Dan. He mentioned reading in John 15 this morning about God’s pruning. In keeping with his Bible memory abilities, he shared part of John 15:2 where the Word states that “while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.“ Dan certainly is one who has borne fruit for the Kingdom. Perhaps this is a period of pruning to prepare for even greater fruit from his branch in the future.
Thanks for your prayer support. The prayer requests continue that this would not be cancer, that the doctors would determine a wise course of action, and that Dan’s faith and courage would not be shaken. Blessings to you all.
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Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
Dear friends of Dan,
The testing efforts continue to attempt to nail down exactly what is going on with Dan. Today, as I write this, I just spoke with Jan. She relayed that Dan has been in the biopsy operation for two hours with the samples being taken from the stomach side - thus far, no indications of cancerous cells!! Now (3:50PM), he has rolled over and the samples are being taken from the back side. We can pray for the same results from this angle. While Dan refers to the device as a “harpoon”, Jan refers to him as a human pincushion at this juncture. None of this is to make light of the seriousness of the situation, but I am thankful that the results are thus far not conclusive. The results of this third biopsy are due by week’s end, or Monday. Three weeks ago, with the evidence available at that time, the doctor at UTK said “you need a miracle” - well …. Dan’s faith and your prayer support have remained in tact and we trust in the Name of the Lord our God.
I asked Dan yesterday after his meeting with his lead doctor, what do you do if the continued biopsies turn out to show no cancer (he still has a large tumor on the pancreas and some pain in the stomach and back, and digestive difficulties), His doctor said that she would refer the case to the surgeons for their recommendations. In the mean time, Dan is really looking to the Lord to show him how to be honoring to God through out this journey. It has been a few days since I have seen him, but his color remains fine, his pain limited and diminishing and his energy level a bit decreased (early to bed).
I know that he has been so uplifted by your notes and prayers. Everywhere I go, the first question I am greeted with is “how is Dan?” I cannot say how much I thank you for your abounding support of this fine Christian man. You have given me a deeper perspective of the meaning of life and caring friendships. Blessings to you.
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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008
for He is good and his mercy endures forever” (Ps 106:1)!
Your prayers for Dan have been such a blessing. Please know they are touching him and lifting his spirits. I have some really promising updates for you about Dan today.
Let me catch you up on Dan’s progress the last three days. On Tuesday, he went into a day surgery at UT to have a “port” put in for anticipated chemotherapy. Due to Dan’s slender build or other unknown reasons, the port did not take in two attempts and the doctor said let’s give it another try on Thursday.
On Wednesday, Dan again met with his lead doctor about the findings and the planned treatment. He had also sent his biopsy results to a pathologist friend in South Carolina. Both doctors, unbeknown to each other, recommended that Dan’s biopsy slides be sent to the same pancreatic specialist at Johns-Hopkins for review and second opinion.
On Thursday, the “port” was inserted in anticipation of chemotherapy. While Dan was in recovery, his radiation doctor came in “with a smile” and said that the specialist at Johns Hopkins could not confirm that Dan had cancer!!!!!!! So after two biopsies with 5 samples, the national expert is not able to confirm cancer. What does this mean? I am not fully sure except that God is in control and Dan believes that. Chemo will not start until a positive confirmation which has not happened (and hopefully will not happen). Pancreatitis may be the diagnosis although I am not sure what the treatment for that is.
Please keep praying for Dan as you have made a real difference in his spirits.
My son Daniel’s memory verse for this week is absolutely on target for today. Enjoy how the Lord works:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged. The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
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Tuesday, October 21st, 2008
Dan received the results from his second biopsy on Friday and a more detailed explanation on Monday with a treatment approach determined. Three tissue samples were taken last week and they showed a combination of cancer and fibrosis in the pancreas. Some of the large size of the tumor and the absence of cancer in the first biopsy were attributed to the fibrosis (a benign growth associated with pancreatitis) in the pancreas.
So what does all this mean? Dan does have cancer and his treatment will begin next week. Today (Tuesday), he was to receive a port for use in the process of administering chemo-therapy. The purpose of the chemo is to condition the cancer cells for treatment by radiation. If I understand correctly, Dan will receive chemo once a week for the next 4-6 weeks and radiation treatments daily for the next 4-6 weeks. It appears that these treatments will be done in Knoxville at UT Medical Center as an outpatient. The purpose of these treatments is to kill the cancer and potentially shrink the tumor so that it can be made operable by January. Dan is facing a physically tough battle, but his current outward appearance and his positive attitude belie the inner battle that is physically raging. He both looks great and retains the encouraging word for others that I have come to love in him.
All of your prayers and notes for Dan have been very uplifting to him. As he faces this regimen of radiation and chemo ahead, please pray for strength, continued emotional and spiritual encouragement and that the typical side effects of this type of treatment (loss of taste and appetite) would not happen to Dan so that he has the food energy to fight the battle. Pass along Dan’s prayer requests to your friends and broaden the circle of support for him in this time of need. Dan is an example to me of the Word: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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Wednesday, October 15th, 2008
Today, Dan will be at UT Hospital for a needle biopsy. My understanding is that it is a minimally invasive approach under real-time guidance of a CT scan. This biopsy should be more conclusive than the ultrasonic endoscopic one performed about 10 days ago, but we are praying for the same result - no cancer cells present. This procedure will take about 6 hours - 1 hour for prep, one hour for the actual surgery and four hours of observation to make sure there is no internal bleeding.
Dan continues to be strong in his faith and trusting in the Lord for his protection. I saw him yesterday and we went to see the movie Flash of Genius (about the inventor of the intermittent windshield wiper). To all outward appearances, Dan is healthy and in good spirits. His positive attitude is an example for all of us.
Please continue your prayers specifically for: 1) no complications from this biopsy, 2) no cancer cells in this biopsy , 3) the peace of the Lord to surround Jan and the entire family through these times of challenge. Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord.
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Tuesday, October 14th, 2008
This is an entry from Dan. Lee has been very kind to post these journal entries for us, but as Jan & I were talking & praying today God spoke to Jan that we need to share some of what He is teaching us. It’s been amazing to see so many answers to prayers, such as appointments moved up a week, doctors staying late to perform tests, a plane ride to Duke, peace about being treated at UT, time with family, and many more. We have an awesome God! It is deeply humbling to me to have so many people praying and offering support. I cannot express how powerfully this has lifted us. A few days ago the Lord revealed to me a truth that inspired us to write this entry. So many prayers have been offered on our behalf for God to provide a powerful miracle for my body to be made whole. Even as all would agree this would be a powerful wonder, the Lord showed me that this is nothing compared to the power He displayed in providing my salvation thru His son, Jesus Christ. The cost of my soul being made whole is infinitely greater, and we all should be in awe of this demonstration of His amazing power and His amazing love. Thank you, Lord!
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Sunday, October 12th, 2008
Dear friends of Dan - Let me reiterate appreciation and acknowledge the powerful encouragement of your prayers. Dan says repeatedly to me how he can sense your prayers. Please continue fervently to intercede for him.
On the medical side, Dan will go in for another biopsy on Wednesday. This will be a needle biopsy that should provide more conclusive information regarding the nature of his tumor. I have a college roommate, Dr. Sam Dement, that is a pathologist that Dan has called a few times to get a second opinion on what is happening. Dr. Dement said that the endoscopic ultrasound biopsy taken from moving inside the stomach can give false indications sometimes due to the ability to properly reach the tumor. So the current fact that the first biopsy of two locations not returning cancer cells may not be a complete foundation of information - hence the needle biopsy this week ahead. This will be a more accurate representation as the needle will be guided by near real-time CT scans to get the samples.
The result of the first biopsy being inconclusive (showing no cancer) is that the chemo and radiation treatments cannot commence until the end of October. In the mean time, we have been studying and learning about nutrition as an approach to cancer destruction. It appears that cancerous cells are chemically very different from good cells in the following ways: 1) they metabolize sugar, not oxygen to get their energy, 2) they like an acid pH not an alkaline one, 3) the concept of “free-radicals’ and anti-oxidants play a role in its spreading. With this in mind, Dan has been juicing a lot (raw foods are more alkaline than cooked food and they retain more enzymes that can help the immune system) and cut out the sugars (turns out the PET scan is nothing but radiated sugar water that shows where sugar is being metabolized). He has been taking a detox called Zeolite made from volcanic rock that attracts and captures toxins in the body fluids. He is exercising daily to strengthen and oxygenate his body and remains in good spirits with his faith strong.
Dan had visits from his brother, David and other family members this weekend. It was a very special time for Dave & Dan (first & second of nine siblings) as they got to hike & hang out, but also spoke about the things that really matter for eternity, and how salvation thru Christ alone is such a precious gift of grace from God to us. David shared about a 67 year-old lady evangelist who is one of his patients in Illinois. They desire for every member of our Kuban family to know this incredible truth (Jn 3:16, Rom 6:23), and anyone else who may be reading this!
Please pray specifically that the next biopsy might also show no signs of cancer, that the juicing would be reconditioning his digestive system to fight off disease, and that his physical pain would diminish.
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Thursday, October 9th, 2008
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Dan was with his doctor at UT Hospital today to review the entire record of information including the MRI, PET and endoscopic biopsy from last week. As Dan, in his usual inquisitive way, asked his list of questions, the doc finally stopped and asked - what is your profession? Of course, she could have guessed he is an engineer, but not just any engineer - an engineer with a long history of asking questions to understand what is necessary to know.
Well, the surprise today was that the biopsy taken from two places within the tumor showed no cancer cells! Praise the Lord! This means that any radiation or chemotherapy will have to be put off until their is a positive indication from a biopsy. Dan will get another biopsy next week because the doctor said that the other two scans (MRI and PET) indicated a malignant tumor - so there is a bit of confusion.
Dan also visited with a Dr. Deets (sp?) at Provectus, a company in Knoxville that is developing a cancer drug that is showing promise in trials in Australia. Looks like this approach is not yet approved for use in the US and that they have not developed specific procedures for pancreatic cancer. Thanks to Doug Yoakley for making the contact and all information is valuable. Dan has also contacted Vanderbilt as a potential location for treatment if they are needed (closer to home and world reknown experts).
In the mean time, we have been looking into nutritional approaches to create an environment within Dan’s body that is not conducive to growing cancer cells (no sugar - anaerobic, alkaline instead of acidic, clean out toxins). Dan got his first taste of fresh squeezed carrot juice today! Not too bad?!??!? You can squeeze a lot of things like celery, apples, parsley and it provides nutrients and enzymes that help the immune system greatly.
Please continue your prayers:
1) Give thanks for the recent biopsy results that did not show cancer cells.
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Tuesday, October 7th, 2008
Today was a memorable day with some friends and Dan. We have done some great adventures in years past and I offered to take Dan on another one last week. He responded quickly and specifically Monday morning with call and request to go to a new zip line park in Sevierville. We went TODAY! Joined by Jan, three sons (Scott, Rob and Kevin with buddy Jason), and friends Mike Carroll, Scott Baker, Chuck Witkowski and Daniel Martin. Altogether, the 6 zip lines spanned over 2 miles and the longest one was 1400 feet (the longest in the US!). If you click the photos below, you can get a glimpse of the team and a couple of action shots! It was great having some friend and family time in the midst of a challenging season.
Jan takes the plunge - you go girl!
The crew rests before the 5th of 6 lines. 
“Today is the day the Lord has made - let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
I could not help but look at the fine sons Dan and Jan have raised and the multitude of good experiences we have shared and not rejoice in the day. Hats off to Jan who demonstrated shes not just another pretty face - she’s pretty daring! And Daniel too, as he was the first one to step up on the first platform and go for it, just daring the rest of us older guys to get with it. Dan had a great day, seemed in good spirits and also physically kept up with everyone. I would not expect different, knowing the trooper that he is.
Yesterday, Dan and Jan flew to Duke Medical Center with the aid of a plane provided by Steve Hall (this eliminated the need for an overnight stay to make the arrangements - thanks Steve). The doctor anticipates a regimen of chemo and radiation treatments that maybe taken at any of a number of places, but he stated that every center treats cancer differently as the formula is not really completely known. Dan gave a call to my college roommate turned pathologist to seek more information and got a couple of contacts at Vanderbilt that may be a source for treatment.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) the UT Medical Board will review all of Dan’s information and will present to him Thursday a treatment plan. At the same time, Dan has heard some ideas about nutrition from family and friends that may also offer potential. He continues to gather information and consider the next steps - but all of this is being done under the cover of prayer, faith and the sustainance of many friends and an awesome God.
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Sunday, October 5th, 2008
On Saturday morning, a number of Dan’s friends gathered at his home to pray for him. The time was marked with countless stories of thanksgiving for all of the blessings that Dan had brought into so many lives. His roles have been many - husband, father, grandfathers, business partner, mentor, friend, coach, teacher, advisor …, but the themes were constant - this man has always been a source of encouragement and an example of faith for all who have come to know him.
Dan shared with the group that he had had an endoscopic ultrasound on Friday that indicated that the cancer has spread beyond the pancreas and that it is stage three. These are not positive indications, but Dan’s faith remains strong and he is using his engineering mind and his faith to plan his course for treatment - the best the medical system has to offer covered with faithful prayer - his own and those of his family and friends. Dan marveled at two things he has experience these last 10 days since he received this diagnosis: 1) he has received an ability to memorize scripture like never before, being able to retain new scripture after only reading it once or twice (this has been a comfort to him in the nights when he has awakened to have scripture flowing through his mind), 2) he has felt the power of so many prayers in the form of physical comfort (to see Dan currently, you would not know the battle that rages within his body. He tires more easily and cannot eat as much at one sitting, but his physical discomfort in the form of stomach and back pain has seemed to subside some to which Dan credits the prayers of so many. His smile, physique and demeanor are very positive and his courage is a credit to his faith).
Dan and Jan will travel to Duke on Monday and be back at UT Medical Center on Wednesday to seek treatment options and set a plan. My understanding currently is that the initial options are radiation and chemotherapy. Since the cancer has spread beyond the pancreas, surgical removal does not seem to be an option at this time. We know that Dan loves and believes in a Great God and we all need to intercede on Dan’s behalf to pray for 1) wisdom for the doctors as they prescribe a treatment approach, 2) that a mighty work in the form of healing would occur within Dan’s body, 3) that Dan’s faith would remain strong and touch the lives of all that hear his story.
“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Heb 10:24. Please show your love for Dan by faithfully praying.
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Sunday, October 5th, 2008
“My Story” has been updated at Dan’s request.
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Thursday, October 2nd, 2008
Dan was in process with a PET scan most of Thursday. He has mentioned how he feels the strength that comes from so many prayers. God is giving him great courage and strength. He has felt less pain the last two days and he attributes that to the power and support that comes from prayer.The results from the PET scan reveal that the tumor is cancerous and it was also found in the adrenal gland. Dan had the highest praise for the folks at UT as they have jumped through hoops to be prompt and helpful. Tomorrow, he will have an endoscopic ultrasonic biopsy that will give further insights as to the type of cancer that is involved. He expects results from that on Tuesday.
In the mean time, Monday Dan will head to Duke Medical Center where he has located a surgeon very skilled in pancreatic tumors to determine potential treatment approaches. Wednesday, he will be with the team from UT with all data to also provide their opinions on the next steps.Dan and friends have been looking into all sorts of possibilities from experimental drugs locally developed by Provectus, to radiation treatments delivered robotically called CyberKnife, to different specialists around the country that have experience in pancreatic cancer - but above all, Dan’s faith is strong and he deeply desires for God to be at the center of his treatment and healing.
A close friend and former assistant to Dan, Dorothy Gribble, is a prayer warrior and she sent the following scripture for us all to consider for Dan:The Bible says in Galations 3:13 that Christ has redeemed you from the curse of sickness and disease. Is 53, Mt 8 and 1 Peter 2:24 tells us Jesus paid the price for you and I so that we can be whole in our bodies. Acts 10:38 says He went around doing good healing all that were oppressed from the devil. The devil is a liar. God’s Word is truth and we take our shield of faith to quench all the firey darts of the enemy. Ps 91 tells us that God will satisfy us with long life. Is 54:17? says no weapon formed against you will prosper… I curse that tumor in the Name of Jesus and command it to die! Jesus spoke to fig trees, fevers, etc. In Luke 4, he spoke to Peter’s mother-in-law’s fever, rebuked it and it left. Can fevers hear? I guess so, it left. Can tumors hear, you betcha. Speak to it and command it to go. Eph 5:1 says to imitate God as dear children. God spoke the world into existence (Gen 1). Speak to your mountain (Mark 11:22-25)! Greater is He that is in you!
Please pray specifically for:1) Wisdom and discernment from the team of doctors at both UT and Duke.2) Clear understanding from the biopsy and that the cancer is not an aggressive form.3) Physical and emotional comfort for Dan. His faith remains strong.
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Thursday, October 2nd, 2008
At 11AM on Saturday, Oct. 4, folks that want to come to Dan’s home and pray are welcome. Dan is really open to having a body of prayer support and this will be one opportunity. He is obtaining a PET scan today to gather more information.
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Wednesday, October 1st, 2008
We moved from the caringbridge site to here where we have a little more control over the content and appearance of the site. Also we can ensure that all the “notes to Dan” are saved long term and can give lasting encouragement to Dan and his family. (and the domain’s easier to remember)
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Tuesday, September 30th, 2008
I spoke with Dan this morning and later this afternoon. He is in a data gathering mode this week having met with oncologists at UT Medical Center. He is scheduled for a PET scan Thursday in Knoxville and is in the process of scheduling an endoscopic ultrasound. This information should be useful in determining the approach to treatment.
Dan has bravely moved beyond the total shock of this untimely and unexpected news and is actively and aggressively seeking information and options. His attitude is positive and he is using his rational engineering mind to find treatment options and to plan an attack.
Dan covets your prayers and the requests remain the same as yesterday as the information on his situation is being determined.
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Monday, September 29th, 2008
I spoke with Dan today and he met with physicians at UT Hospital to lay out the initial plan for diagnosing the character of the tumor on his pancreas. He will undergo a PET scan and endoscopic biopsy later this week to determine the condition of the tumor. At that time, he should have a better idea of the direction that treatment should take.
Questions related to the operability of the tumor should be answered by this exploratory effort this week. The location is very close to the aorta and this may make traditional surgery not possible until the tumor is shrunk by other treatments.
1) That the tumor is fully contained on the pancreas and has not spread to any other areas.
2) That the exploratory effort leads to information with a clear, effective treatment plan.
3) That the Lord would heal Dan completely either through a miracle or through the hands of well equipped and trained physicians.
4) That Dan and his Dan’s family would feel the comfort of their standing with the Lord and the power of the prayers of their friends.
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