Dan received the results from his second biopsy on Friday and a more detailed explanation on Monday with a treatment approach determined.  Three tissue samples were taken last week and they showed a combination of cancer and fibrosis in the pancreas.  Some of the large size of the tumor and the absence of cancer in the first biopsy were attributed to the fibrosis (a benign growth associated with pancreatitis) in the pancreas.

So what does all this mean?  Dan does have cancer and his treatment will begin next week.  Today (Tuesday), he was to receive a port for use in the process of administering chemo-therapy.  The purpose of the chemo is to condition the cancer cells for treatment by radiation.  If I understand correctly, Dan will receive chemo once a week for the next 4-6 weeks and radiation treatments daily for the next 4-6 weeks.  It appears that these treatments will be done in Knoxville at UT Medical Center as an outpatient.  The purpose of these treatments is to kill the cancer and potentially shrink the tumor so that it can be made operable by January.  Dan is facing a physically tough battle, but his current outward appearance and his positive attitude belie the inner battle that is physically raging.  He both looks great and retains the encouraging word for others that I have come to love in him.

All of your prayers and notes for Dan have been very uplifting to him.  As he faces this regimen of radiation and chemo ahead, please pray for strength, continued emotional and spiritual encouragement and that the typical side effects of this type of treatment (loss of taste and appetite) would not happen to Dan so that he has the food energy to fight the battle. Pass along Dan’s prayer requests to your friends and broaden the circle of support for him in this time of need.  Dan is an example to me of the Word: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.