Dear friends of Dan,
The testing efforts continue to attempt to nail down exactly what is going on with Dan. Today, as I write this, I just spoke with Jan. She relayed that Dan has been in the biopsy operation for two hours with the samples being taken from the stomach side - thus far, no indications of cancerous cells!! Now (3:50PM), he has rolled over and the samples are being taken from the back side. We can pray for the same results from this angle. While Dan refers to the device as a “harpoon”, Jan refers to him as a human pincushion at this juncture. None of this is to make light of the seriousness of the situation, but I am thankful that the results are thus far not conclusive. The results of this third biopsy are due by week’s end, or Monday. Three weeks ago, with the evidence available at that time, the doctor at UTK said “you need a miracle” - well …. Dan’s faith and your prayer support have remained in tact and we trust in the Name of the Lord our God.
I asked Dan yesterday after his meeting with his lead doctor, what do you do if the continued biopsies turn out to show no cancer (he still has a large tumor on the pancreas and some pain in the stomach and back, and digestive difficulties), His doctor said that she would refer the case to the surgeons for their recommendations. In the mean time, Dan is really looking to the Lord to show him how to be honoring to God through out this journey. It has been a few days since I have seen him, but his color remains fine, his pain limited and diminishing and his energy level a bit decreased (early to bed).
I know that he has been so uplifted by your notes and prayers. Everywhere I go, the first question I am greeted with is “how is Dan?” I cannot say how much I thank you for your abounding support of this fine Christian man. You have given me a deeper perspective of the meaning of life and caring friendships. Blessings to you.